Winter Field Day with GARA

Winter Field Day (WFD) will take place starting Saturday, January 25, at  2 PM  and ending Sunday, January 26 at 2 PM. Just like the ARRL Field Day. We can start setting up the Friday before (Jan. 24) no earlier than 2 PM. This year, we will be operating from Hagan Stone park, group campsite 1, the same location we used for the ARRL Field Day last June.

The current plan is to operate one HF station. Scott (ND4L) has agreed to lend us his tent for the operating station, so now all we need are volunteers and equipment. We will set up Friday afternoon starting at 2 PM, complete any remaining setup Saturday morning, and begin operating at 2 PM. We will use batteries/solar power (weather permitting), and will have a backup generator if we need it. 

I plan to stay overnight Friday and Saturday, and I hope you will consider joining me. We had a great time at WFD last year, and we should do so again this year.

I will provide weekly updates over the next few weeks. I hope to see you there!

Dave McLin, AC4A

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