March GARA Meeting: On the W4GSO 145.150MHz Repeater due to COVID-19
The program this month will be presented by Scott Toth, ND4L and Matt Trull, KX4GG on The C4FM/Fusion Digital Mode. This is one of the modes that we can access on both our 145.15MHz and 442.8625MHz GARA club repeaters. I would like to invite everyone in the club to join in the conversation on our 145.15 repeater at our virtual club meeting Monday, March 23 from 7:15-8:30 PM. Please consider inviting Hams who are not currently members of our club, as well as members of other clubs, to join us.
On a personal note, I have had a Fusion HT for almost a year, but have not known how to program my radio nor take advantage of this mode. During my preparation for this month’s presentation, I learned that the Yaesu FT70D can be programmed using Chirp® which is a free, open-source tool for programming many brands and models of Ham radios. “Until then, I’ll see you on the radio.”
Carl Fenske, KC4WGA
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