Cameron Conover
Collins Conover replied to the topic Baofeng .img files? in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 7 months ago
OT perhaps… š My problem with my UV-5R is that my wife had it hostage in her car for several weeks. The day I threw away the rapid charger I found the radio again. One of my favorite uses is as a simple broadcast FM receiver when I’m on my bike. It was like a little slice of Christmas when I found that lost radio in her car.
Collins Conover started the topic Complete Rewire 1400 square foot home in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 7 months ago
We just purchased a 1400 square foot home in Richland, WA. It was built in 1948 and has come across at least 3 generations of wiring jobs. We had an electrician provide a bid to rewire the house. The basic idea is that the current wiring will be abandoned in place. They will bring the house up to current standards which basically requires an…[Read more]
Collins Conover replied to the topic EZ Button triggers recorded audio over hotspot in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 8 months ago
I’m looking forward to my 7 year old getting his license soon. I haven’t figured out how to dupe Meghan into getting licensed. She is a hard nut to crack. I think she is proud to be a non-ham. I hope to have a licensed son or two!
Collins Conover replied to the topic EZ Button triggers recorded audio over hotspot in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 11 months ago
I just realized the easiest way to get my attention would be to link the gateway to 001C. They could do that with ircddb remote.
Collins Conover started the topic EZ Button triggers recorded audio over hotspot in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 11 months ago
I thought of an excuse to play recorded audio over my hotspot. The idea was that I would have a button somewhere at home that sends a command to the RPI to play a prerecorded file through the hotspot.
My thought was that it could serve as a simple page function so that my boys or wife could get my attention when I’m out with the HT.
What do you…[Read more]
Collins Conover replied to the topic My brother is coming to town this week, AB3KC in the forum Rag Chew 9 years, 11 months ago
Now it’s AF7PO! š
Collins Conover posted an update 9 years, 11 months ago
UHF D-Star hotspot operating in Richland, WA at 440.950Mhz. It is usually connected to W4GSO B. I joined GARA so that I could support the club’s D-Star repeater system.
Today I heard some local hams on 146.58Mhz simplex. They were talking about their 5 ghz mesh network. I think Iām going to reach out to them and try to build a node for the n…[Read more]
Collins Conover changed their profile picture 9 years, 11 months ago
Collins Conover changed their profile picture 9 years, 11 months ago
Collins Conover became a registered member 9 years, 11 months ago