Cameron Conover
Cameron Conover replied to the topic For Sale: Palstar AT2K in the forum Classifieds 7 years, 6 months ago
Cameron Conover started the topic For Sale: Palstar AT2K in the forum Classifieds 7 years, 7 months ago
I have an excellent condition Palstar AT2K Legal Limit antenna tuner for sale. I have all the original packaging and owner’s manual. I’d like to sell it locally. $370
Cameron Conover replied to the topic For Sale: HF Gear, Flex 5000 and Ameritron Amplifier in the forum Classifieds 8 years ago
The Flex has now also sold.
Cameron Conover replied to the topic For Sale: HF Gear, Flex 5000 and Ameritron Amplifier in the forum Classifieds 8 years, 1 month ago
The amp is sold
Cameron Conover replied to the topic For Sale: HF Gear, Flex 5000 and Ameritron Amplifier in the forum Classifieds 8 years, 1 month ago
I posted these on The GARA prices above still apply, if anyone local wants to buy these!
Cameron Conover started the topic For Sale: HF Gear, Flex 5000 and Ameritron Amplifier in the forum Classifieds 8 years, 1 month ago
I have up for sale my Flex 5000 SDR radio. I have all the original packaging for this. This radio has the 2nd receiver installed and is in good operating condition. If you would like to hear it on the air we can arrange that. I will be posting pictures this weekend, and expanding my effort to sell it. For GARA members I will sell this radio…[Read more]
Cameron Conover started the topic Field Day 2016 in the forum GARA Events 8 years, 9 months ago
I’ve created the Google Docs spreadsheet for Field Day Station sign ins, and the equipment list. free to grab a spot.
Don’t forget to RSVP for the cookout at
Can’t wait to see you all there!
Cameron Conover replied to the topic – A Worldwide Open SDR Network in the forum Rag Chew 8 years, 11 months ago
This is pretty cool! I didn’t know about this. Thanks for sharing with us. I’m definitely going to be checking it out.
Cameron Conover wrote a new post, Letter from the President's Shack: January 2016 9 years, 1 month ago
Happy New Year, GARA! I feel honored to have been selected by my fellow members to serve as the president of this wonderful club. GARA has so much rich history in amateur radio in the Greensboro area and North C […]
Cameron Conover wrote a new post, N4G Update 9 years, 1 month ago
From David, AJ4TF:
Permit application is in the hands of the National Park Service, but their new policy is that they won’t issue the permit until we provide evidence that we have […]
Cameron Conover wrote a new post, North Carolina Dstar Net – Listen Now! 9 years, 1 month ago
This is a recording from this weeks NC Dstar net that takes place every Tuesday night at 9:00 eastern on W4GSO and other repeaters and hotspots connected to reflector 54C. This week there were a few technical […]
Cameron Conover wrote a new post, COMPARING DUPLEXERS, MFJ VS. DIAMOND 9 years, 3 months ago
I put up a new Diamond X200A antenna on my chimney and I wanted to share it between a Dstar hotspot on UHF and My Icom 746 on 2m, in order to do that I needed to use a diplexer. I used to use a duplexer in my […]
Cameron Conover replied to the topic Comparing duplexers, MFJ vs. Diamond in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
I’d say both of these duplexers are useable, they’d both do the job acceptably. Remember that the Diamond was broken, after just a few weeks in service I had to take it out of service because of broken solder joints. I had to repair those solder joints in order to do these tests.
Even though both of these are useable there is a clear…[Read more]
Cameron Conover replied to the topic Comparing duplexers, MFJ vs. Diamond in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
The next thing I wanted to check out is the actual out of band attenuation of each. For this I used an S12 test on a network analyzer. Unfortunately this network analyzer only goes up to 200Mhz so I can only test reject on the UHF side by sweeping RF in the 2m band through the UHF side of the duplexer. First up is the reject on the diamond…[Read more]
Cameron Conover replied to the topic Comparing duplexers, MFJ vs. Diamond in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Here is the same sweep test through the MFJ-916B
Now that’s refreshing, this filter gets it’s job done in less than half the bandwidth of the Diamond one. 3dB rolloff is around 220Mhz, looks nice and sharp.
3dB rolloff around 311 MhzHot DOG! At this point I get somewhat excited, it’s going to be really nice looking when I…[Read more]
Cameron Conover replied to the topic Comparing duplexers, MFJ vs. Diamond in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
The first thing I did with these was to use a signal generator and spectrum analyzer to sweep through the filters and with max-hold record the amplitude of the signal to make it through each of the filters. That’s basically all these things really are, a Low pass filter that the 2m side passes through and a High Pass filter designed for the UHF…[Read more]
Cameron Conover replied to the topic Comparing duplexers, MFJ vs. Diamond in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
The first thing I did with these was to use a signal generator and spectrum analyzer to sweep through the filters and with max-hold record the amplitude of the signal to make it through each of the filters. That’s basically all these things really are, a Low pass filter that the 2m side passes through and a High Pass filter designed for the UHF…[Read more]
Cameron Conover started the topic Comparing duplexers, MFJ vs. Diamond in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
I put up a new Diamond X200A antenna on my chimney and I wanted to share it between a Dstar hotspot on UHF and My Icom 746 on 2m, in order to do that I needed to use a diplexer. I used to use a duplexer in my mobile, so I had two laying around.
The first one was the Diamond MX-72.
Inside this one I found two cold solder joints, it was used in…[Read more]
Cameron Conover started the topic Comparing duplexers, MFJ vs. Diamond in the forum Technical Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
I put up a new Diamond X200A antenna on my chimney and I wanted to share it between a Dstar hotspot on UHF and My Icom 746 on 2m, in order to do that I needed to use a diplexer. I used to use a duplexer in my mobile, so I had two laying around.
The first one was the Diamond…[Read more]
Cameron Conover wrote a new post, November Engineering Report 9 years, 3 months ago
Engineering report
Jesse Lindley K4AX
Well it’s November and almost the end of 2015, thinking back it’s been a interesting year serving on the GARA board and seeing some things get done that we have […]
Guys, thanks so much for all of the work you’ve put into getting the new system setup properly. So many people would be tempted just to “slap it in” because it’s shiny and new, but you took the time to get it configured properly and with the best options available. We’ll have a world-class setup that we can be proud of because of your dedication and work, and I’m looking forward to hearing it soon.
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