The Greensboro Amateur Radio Association, Greensboro, NCCollins Conover | Forums | Replies Created | The Greensboro Amateur Radio Association, Greensboro, NC

Collins Conover

Forum Replies Created

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  • Author
    • #961
      Collins Conover

      OT perhaps… 😉 My problem with my UV-5R is that my wife had it hostage in her car for several weeks. The day I threw away the rapid charger I found the radio again. One of my favorite uses is as a simple broadcast FM receiver when I’m on my bike. It was like a little slice of Christmas when I found that lost radio in her car.

    • #902
      Collins Conover

      I’m looking forward to my 7 year old getting his license soon. I haven’t figured out how to dupe Meghan into getting licensed. She is a hard nut to crack. I think she is proud to be a non-ham. I hope to have a licensed son or two!

    • #786
      Collins Conover


      I just realized the easiest way to get my attention would be to link the gateway to 001C. They could do that with ircddb remote.

    • #783
      Collins Conover

      Now it’s AF7PO! 🙂

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