W4GSO Field Day

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  • Author
    • #708
      Cameron Conover

      This thread is intended as a place to help organize our efforts, for Field Day 2015. I’ll keep it updated with as much current information as I can, but also feel free to jump in and provide your thoughts and ideas about how to make Field Day 2015 a great success.

    • #710

      Put me down as a band captain sir.

    • #711
      Cameron Conover

      Okay, Jesse, pick a mode. SSB?

      Thank you!

    • #734
      Greg Spencer

      We are coming down to just Two months before field day 2015 and believe me it will be here before you know it. Please, help is needed to organize the event and this needs to start happening asap. We need more than one person to help plan field day because it is a lot to do for just one person believe me I did it for the last three years. Support your club by joining the field day committee and help plan this years event.


      • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Greg Spencer.
    • #750
      Cameron Conover

      Our First Field Day planning meeting will be held on Wednesday April 29th at 7pm. Anyone who is interesting in participating in this years field day is welcome to come.

    • #777
      Cameron Conover

      Thank you to everyone who showed up last night to the Field Day planning meeting. I did get the room reserved for two more meetings. May 13th and May 27th same time and place.

      I will be putting together some Google Docs spreadsheets that we can all edit and update to keep track of what we have and what we need. Probably tomorrow, since I have a busy day today.

      Also, I think we could use google docs spreadsheets for Station sign ups, if the band captains want to do that. It worked well for W1AW/4

      Thank you, again! it was great to see everyone last night.

    • #782
      Cameron Conover

      W4GSO Field Day Supplies and Equipment list:

      W4GSO Field Day committee Contact Form:

      FIeld Day Operators Schedule:(look for the Tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet to select which station you are signing up for CW, Digital, SSB)

    • #819
      Cameron Conover

      Field Day planning meeting tonight, 7pm, at Tannenbaum Park. Please park on Green Acres Ln, the gates to the park will be closed but we can park on the road.

      I have about 6 confirmations for Field Day meal attendance. That is not enough to warrant the effort to prepare any special meals. Please, Please, if you are interested in enjoying a nice meal at the field day, please email me so that I can get an idea of how many will be coming. aj4tw@arrl.net

      See y’all tonight.

    • #832
      Cameron Conover

      I added a couple things to the supplies and equipment spreadsheet.

      Caution tape, if anyone has a roll of caution tape we could sure use it.

      Also some stakes like a tomato stake type deal that we can use to hold up the caution tape around certain areas.

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