Signalink USB with 6-pin cable

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    • #612

      Signalink USB with 6 pin cable

      Reply here, call, text, or e-mail me with questions or for additional details. 910-297-2182 or my e-mail is good on
      Details and pics below. Thanks!

      I bought this from DX Engineering. You can visit this link to see if this cable is compatible with your rig. If it’s not you can find additional cables here.

      I used this interface with an Icom IC-7000 and a Yaesu FT-817ND, mainly for JT-65. It was in service with my IC-700 from October 2014 through Feb. 2015. I now have the Icom IC-7200 which has a built-in USB interface on the rig, so I no longer need this signalink. It’s in great shape with no scratches. Non-smoker. Pics below. Thanks for looking!

      • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by W4US.
    • #709

      I have decided to keep this Signalink for use on my 7200 instead of the built in interface.

      Thanks for looking!

      • #843
        Jeff Frank

        Mind if I ask why you’re planning to use this instead of the built-in interface? I have an IC-7200 on order and was curious. Thanks.

    • #845

      Hi Jeff,
      Congrats on the purchase of your 7200. It’s an awesome rig and the built in interface works great so don’t worry! Have you received yours yet?

      I was basically swapping to the Signalink out of pure laziness. When swapping from SSB phone over to JT 65, the 7200 requires a few extra menu button presses when switching modes than what is required by the Signalink. I also like the physical knobs for TX and RX on the Signalink, though all of those levels can be manipulated with the sliders in the WSJT-X program.

      What modes are you planning on using on the 7200? I’ve had the IC-718, the IC-7000, and now the IC-7200 and I have to say the 7200 is the perfect ratio of simplicity vs features for the way I use it.

      • #865
        Jeff Frank

        Thanks for the info!

        No, I haven’t received it yet. They are on back order, with an expected availability around the August to September time frame. I went ahead and ordered one thinking I’d be closer to the front of the line when they come in.

        As far as modes I plan to use, I couldn’t say. I am new to the hobby and currently only have a Technician license, with plans of course to get my General. I was initially looking for an “All Band” type radio and one that had a rugged build for portable use. I finally decided to go with the Icom IC-7200 for HF and a YAESU FT-2900R for VHF. The IC-7200 was described as “Simple and Tough”which seemed to be a good fit for my intended use.

        If you have any suggestions regarding antennas (base and portable), as well as other related equipment (antenna tuners, etc…), I’d certainly welcome them.

    • #893

      Jeff, I’m not sure how I missed your reply but I didn’t catch the notification. Congrats on your ticket and I think you made a great choice with the 7200.

      For other equipment suggestions, my personal flavor (originally recommended to me by Chris K4HC) is as follows:
      -LDG Auto tuner like the AT-100 Pro II
      -130′ dipole (or as long as you can get it up to 130) fed with 450 or 300 ohm ladder line run as close to the tuner as possible (if not directly to the tuner)
      -You can do one of two things:
      –Wind a choke balun (google “ugly balun”) yourself with six turns of coax, and connect the shield of the coax to one side of ladder line and center conductor to the other.
      –Or connect the ladder line to store bought 1:1 current balun which will transition you into coax to run into the house.

      This setup will let you work every band from 6 meters through 80 meters. You may have to experiment with ladder line length to achieve optimum results.

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by W4US.
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