The Greensboro Amateur Radio Association, Greensboro, NCAbout - Greensboro Amateur Radio Association


The Greensboro Amateur Radio Association (GARA) is a club made up of people with diverse interests that share a common bond, Amateur Radio. GARA is a public-service oriented club. As an Amateur Radio operator, you can communicate by two-way radio with other amateurs, also known as hams, across town or around the world.

Anyone can be a ham – no matter what age, sex or physical ability. 

Our meetings are held the fourth Monday each month at Sarah’s Kabob Shop in Greensboro, NC.  The meeting usually begins around 7:15 with everyone gathering to eat about 6:30 p.m. If you have an interest in Ham Radio, you are more than welcome to attend.

Get involved and Join now

GARA Membership

Becoming a member isn't just about what the club has to offer you. It's about building a community and getting involved in Ham Radio with one of the most active and family friendly clubs in the triad. From Field Day, Antenna Parties, Monthly Meetings, Antenna Building Parties, Fox Hunts, Nets & Repeaters to just helping out a ham that needs a ride to and from a specific QTH (location). GARA is ready to welcome you.

Membership $24

Become and member and get loads of benefits

  • The Feed Line (our monthly publication)
  • Repeater Access
  • D-Star (includes D-Stars gateway)
  • Email Newsletter
  • Monthly Club Meetings
  • Access to the Website's Forums
  • Access to our Online Community
Join Today

Family Membership $24

Do you live under the same roof?No Extra Costs

  • Same benefits as standard member package
  • One low cost for you and your family
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