October GARA Meeting – Improve Your Wi-Fi!

Last month we heard from Kenny, KK4HAO about a new NTS traffic net that has officially started every night at 7:30pm on the W4GSO 145.15 repeater.  Kenny would love to have anyone who is interested check into the net.  You won’t be obligated to pass traffic, but it would be good to have a strong showing of support for this important service.  Please try to check in if you’re able.  Formal training to become a traffic handler will be scheduled soon.

This month’s presentation will be related to the one in August.  At that meeting, I talked about simple networking concepts to help you understand how to connect your digital devices to the internet and to each other.  A number of questions were raised during the presentation, many revolving around Wi-Fi, wireless connectivity, etc.  Thankfully we have a Wi-Fi expert in our midst and he is going to teach us all how to understand what our Wi-Fi is doing and how to make it better.  Jonathan Davis, KM4UOB will teach us how to make the most of our home Wi-Fi including RF and physical issues and concepts related to it.  You’re not going to want to miss this meeting.  We’ll see you Monday, October 23 at Cooper’s Ale House!

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