1 result for month: 02/2015

K4HC ARRL Centennial QSO Party

Have you heard ‘K4HC ARRL Centennial QSO Party’ by Greensboro Association on SoundCloud? 2014 was an exciting year for Ham Radio.  The Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) turned 100 years old in 2014 and for the whole year several events and competitions were held that infused the hobby of ham radio into the airwaves for one of the busiest years for QSOs that it has ever know.  One such competition was the ARRL Centennial QSO Party.  GARA had it's mark made in the record books with astounding QSO efforts by one of its very own members. Christopher Thompson - K4HC made a year of it and completed several thousand QSOs during 2014.  Such was ...